[aur-general] Takeover Request

郑文辉 techlivezheng at gmail.com
Sat Apr 9 04:15:15 EDT 2011

Please orphan airdrop-ng[1] and airgraph-ng-svn[2].

The airdrop-ng in AUR is acturally a SVN package and should be named as
airdrop-ng-svn,I have created an updated airdrop-ng-svn package and
requested the maintainer of airdrop-ng to use my airdrop-ng PKGBUILD which
suit for its name,but there is no response.

The airgraph-ng-svn is outdated,and I  have update an updated PKGBUILD as
comments,and also with no response.

So,i want to do it myself.

[1]: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=41584
[2]: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=33593

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