[aur-general] Private mailing list for TUs?

Ángel Velásquez angvp at archlinux.org
Fri Aug 12 11:24:30 EDT 2011

2011/8/12 Florian Pritz <bluewind at xinu.at>:
> Hi,
> I think it would be nice if we had a closed mailing list for TUs only
> (and maybe devs if they want to) so we can move more important stuff
> from IRC to mail because not everyone uses IRC or is online all the time.
> Keep in mind that it will likely be low traffic.
> Any hard feelings on that?

+1 .. sometimes we have issues that we need to discuss first on TU
side before discuss with the rest of people who might not know how to
deal or how the things might work on our side.

This is not for "hidding" anything, but sometimes is hard to make a
meeting with the tus, we have an irc channel, but we have different
timezones and not all of our TUs uses irc ...

Well that said, the main idea is not to having "secrets" just to
organize us better

> --
> Florian Pritz

Angel Velásquez
angvp @ irc.freenode.net
Arch Linux Developer / Trusted User
Linux Counter: #359909

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