[aur-general] TU Resignation

Lukáš Jirkovský l.jirkovsky at gmail.com
Wed Aug 31 06:00:32 EDT 2011

On 31 August 2011 03:11, Loui Chang <louipc.ist at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone!
> I haven't been very involved with the AUR for a long while, and I don't
> really see that changing much. Since I only have a few packages I think
> it's time for me to resign as a TU. I may still throw a few patches
> around if I find the time. I've asked Lukas Fleischer to assume my duty
> of adding new TUs.
> It was a pleasure to work with you folks. See you around!
> My former packages which I've recently disowned:
> esmtp
> libesmtp (dependency of balsa, collectd, and esmtp)
> mhwaveedit
> oldstand-font
> tig
> Cheers.

I don't know what else to say than a big thank you for all the work you've done!

Have a nice day,

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