[aur-general] Request for PKGBUILD check: perl-pdl 2.4.9-1

Peter Lewis plewis at aur.archlinux.org
Wed Jul 13 19:07:53 EDT 2011


On Wed, 13 Jul 2011, Anton Leontiev wrote:
> Currently I'm stuck with makedepends/optdepends. There is a number of
> dependencies which are optional, but to get PDL work with them as with
> optional packages in Arch, it should be compiled with them. So I added
> the in both makedepends and optdepends. Am I right?

Yes. If they're optional dependencies to enable extra functionality, but are
required to be present at compile time to enable this, then you should add them
to makedepends as well.

The only purpose of optdepends to my knowledge is to provide the user with a
nice message when they install the package to let them know that the package
will have some extra functionality if some other packages are also installed.


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