[aur-general] AUR 1.8.1 - Can No Longer Upload Packages

Tony C crt.011 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 13 23:00:42 EDT 2011

On 03/13/2011 07:44 PM, Heiko Baums wrote:
> Am Sun, 13 Mar 2011 19:20:04 -0700
> schrieb Tony C <crt.011 at gmail.com>:
>> pkgname=lft
>> pkgver=3.31
>> pkgrel=1
>> pkgdesc="A layer four traceroute implementing numerous other features"
>> arch=('i686' 'x86_64')
>> license=('custom')
>> url="http://oppleman.com/lft/"
> The new url is: http://pwhois.org/lft/
> Changed. Note: old URL will redirect to new URL.
>> depends=('glibc' 'libpcap>=1.0.0')
> glibc removed and removed version from libpcap.

> And you should remove the versioned dependency in AUR. This can have
> bad effects for the users if the system gets updated by pacman -Syu or
> yaourt -Syua or the like.
> Arch Linux is a rolling release distro which has only one version of a
> package in the repos and you can assume that people keep their systems
> up-to-date.
> I don't know if there's a reason for those versioned dependencies for
> the devs and TUs in the binary repos but in AUR they are usually not
> necessary and useful.
> Glibc can also be removed from depends, because it's already in the
> base group.
> Heiko
Thanks for the info. Though the bogus error still exists even with these
small changes.
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