[aur-general] GDeskCal

Oon-Ee Ng ngoonee.talk at gmail.com
Tue May 24 20:53:13 EDT 2011

On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 8:00 PM, Martti Kühne <mysatyre at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 12:39 PM, pauline martin <321eniluap at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I don't know if this project has been discontinued or not, but it is flagged
>> as out of date and I have spent a good amount of time trying to find
>> somewhere to download the most recent release.  I was not able to find a
>> link anwhere to download the source from the website:
>> http://customize.org/gDeskCal .  If I could be pointed in the right
>> direction for the source code of this project if it is still alive that
>> would be wonderful.  It looks like a wonderful application and at least two
>> other packages in the AUR depend upon it so I would love to get it updated
>> or if it is a dead project to get it removed from the AUR.  The package is
>> in the AUR as gdeskcal and the two packages that I found that depend on it
>> are: gdeskcal-skins and gdeskcal-skin-simple.  Of the three only one is
>> being currently maintained.  I would be willing to maintain the other two if
>> they are not a dead project.  That one maintained project is using sources
>> from a different site than the main project is hosted on.  The maintainer is
>> Syntheed.  If I am reading the source right his sources are from freebsd, so
>> it is not of any help locating the original program if it is still in
>> development.
>> Sincerely,
>> Pauline123
> hello
> There is a source package from fedora [1], also I was able to find the
> author's blog [2]. However there seems to be no more reference from
> the author to the project in question, so I'm positive the project is
> dead. Now with the upcoming deprecation of python2, I'm not sure if it
> makes any sense to keep the project either way. Also I have not come
> accross a replacement for it, either, and I'm not really sure what
> functionality is expected, except for it being a purely visual toy.
> However I have upgraded the package to fit current packaging standards
> and to use the fedora source for now.
> regards
> mar77i
> [1] http://rpm.pbone.net/index.php3/stat/3/srodzaj/2/search/gdeskcal-1.01-2.fc10.src.rpm
> [2] http://pycage.blogspot.com/

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