[aur-general] TU Application - Massimiliano Torromeo

Sven-Hendrik Haase sh at lutzhaase.com
Sat Oct 15 14:08:02 EDT 2011

On 08.10.2011 17:55, Sven-Hendrik Haase wrote:
> Massimiliano Torromeo <massimiliano.torromeo at gmail.com> wrote:
>     Hi,
>     Sven-Hendrik Haase is sponsoring my application as a trusted user.
>     I thought about applying as a TU for some time now, I think the
>     selection of packages provided by Arch is already great but there is
>     always space for additional quality software in community and I hope
>     to help with that.
>     Here's a little background about myself:
>     I'm a 28yr old italian guy, working as a system administrator and
>     developer at a company that provides web-services, hosting and housing
>     solutions.
>     I first tried linux out of curiosity back when Mandriva was still
>     called Mandrake, but I didn't like it at all and the RPM system made
>     me cry tears of blood.
>     I didn't linux again for a couple of years and then I tried gentoo. I
>     was at my last year of high school and, being already a developer at
>     heart, I wasn't scared but rather really interested by its packaging
>     system that required extensive time of compilation but providing
>     extreme customization possibilities at the same time.
>     That was the time when I finally dropped Windows for good and I kept
>     using gentoo for years as my primary os, while only checking out other
>     distros every once in a while. In all this years I tried many other
>     distributions both out of personal curiosity and for work: Suse, Red
>     Hat, Fedora, CentOS, [K]Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Slackware, Oracle Linux
>     and of course Arch! plus some BSDs (FreeBSD and Mac OSX), but I still
>     like Arch the best.
>     Like I said, I am a developer at heart and I released some
>     applications [1] as opensource, first as GPL but I then became more of
>     a BSD/MIT guy.
>     The most successful of them all has been a grafical frontend for
>     embedded devices such as gaming handhelds which I developed (using
>     SDL/C++) initially for the GP2X [2] but was later ported to many other
>     devices by other developers/communities, called GMenu2X [3].
>     I am a confident developer who loves the Python language, but I also
>     user very often PHP, C++, Bash (for scripts of course) and other
>     languages.
>     My work as a system administrator involves installing and configuring
>     machines (Arch based whenever possible) with a variety of server
>     softwares, and that's where I will probably focus as a TU.
>     I already maintain a private repository of packages that help me keep
>     the aforementioned machines up-to-date.
>     From this packages I selected an initial list of what I plan to move
>     to community:
>     - percona-server
>     - mariadb (refactored to replace mysql, unlike the one in AUR. See [4])
>     - nagios-nrpe
>     - nagios-plugins
>     - nmon
>     - ttf-ubuntu-font-family
>     - rt3562sta
>     - arp-scan
>     - e4rat
>     - mtop
>     - php-mongo
>     - pngcrush
>     - supervisor
>     - vdfuse
>     - vbox-runner
>     You can see on the AUR [5] and on github [6] that I have written
>     already a pretty long list of PKGBUILDs including the popular dropbox.
>     If you have any question, just ask.
>     Thanks!
>     [1] https://github.com/mtorromeo/
>     [2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GP2X
>     [3] http://mtorromeo.github.com/gmenu2x/
>     [4] https://github.com/mtorromeo/archlinux-packages/tree/master/mariadb-mysql-replacement
>     [5] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=mtorromeo <https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?SeB=m&K=mtorromeo>
>     [6] https://github.com/mtorromeo/archlinux-packages
> 5 full days have passed the land.
> The vote to decide Massimiliano's fate is at hand.
> What will we decide?
> Judgement will be applied.
> Please vote, I hope you'll understand.
> https://aur.archlinux.org/tu.php?id=51
> -- Sven-Hendrik

This was a huge success! 17 votes for yay~ and none for nope.

Welcome to the team. Do the todo list [1]. Your account has been supersized.



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