[aur-general] Removal of AUR package ttf-inconsolata-xl

Felix Yan felixonmars at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 07:17:34 EST 2012

On Thursday, December 13, 2012 01:46:01 AM George Hilliard wrote:
> Hello, I mistakenly uploaded a package, ttf-inconsolata-xl, to the AUR.
> I had meant to upload a different one.  Nobody is using it; I uploaded
> it not ten minutes ago.  Could I get it removed?  The font it installs
> isn't very useful, as the font's ONLY mode is bold; there is no regular
> option.
> Thanks!
Removed, thanks.

Felix Yan
Twitter: @felixonmars
Wiki: http://felixc.at
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