[aur-general] [arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages

Alexander Rødseth rodseth at gmail.com
Sat Feb 25 08:29:06 EST 2012


2012/2/25 Allan McRae <allan at archlinux.org>:
> You do know about the haskell update going on in [staging]?

No, I wasn't aware of that, but I have followed the Haskell-packages
for a few years now, including the rise and fall of the "arch-haskell"
It is my personal opinion that more hands on the many Haskell packages
would be a good thing, as they are often updated (and often just with
a minor version bump).
I don't mean any discredit to Vesa Kaihlavirta or Thomas Dziedzic, I
think they are both great maintainers.

 Alexander Rødseth
 Arch Linux Trusted User
 (xyproto on IRC, trontonic on AUR)

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