[aur-general] removal request: gnome-shell-extension-remove-acessibility-icon

Elder Marco eldermarco at gmail.com
Fri Jan 27 18:29:22 EST 2012


I adopted gnome-shell-extension-noa11y[1].  I'm also the maintainer of the
gnome-shell-extension-remove-accessibility-icon[2]. Those packages have the
same functionality and we don't need two packages for removing the
accessibility icon. I prefer the first one.

So, could  you remove gnome-shell-extension-remove-accessibility-icon[2]?

[1] - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=49647
[2] - https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=51523


Elder Marco

GNU/Linux User: #471180

"Contra o positivismo, que pára perante os fenômenos e diz: 'Há apenas
fatos', eu digo: 'Ao contrário, fatos é o que não há; há apenas
interpretações'. "(Nietzsche)

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