[aur-general] Use "soundfontcombi" in place of current "sfc" and use "sfc" for another piece of software?

Ike Devolder ike.devolder at gmail.com
Tue Jul 24 16:01:38 EDT 2012

Op dinsdag 24 juli 2012 15:20:45 schreef Andreas Wagner:
> Hello,
> The package sfc ( https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=11363 )
> should be used by simple flashcards: http://0au.de/apps/sfc/
> Current users of sfc should be using the more canonically named
> package soundfontcombi (
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=45868 ) in place of the sfc
> package.
> Would it be best to just add a notice that the software of the package
> is changing in a new package that I upload? The version numbers are
> different though. I'm not sure of the best way to resolve this
> situation.
> Thanks,
> Andreas Wagner

notify people and then reply here for a merge request

then we can merge the now called 'sfc' package in 'soundfontcombi'

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