[aur-general] TU Application - Ike Devolder

Angel Velásquez angvp at archlinux.org
Fri Mar 2 08:15:32 EST 2012

Hash: SHA1

On 01/03/12 05:47, Peter Lewis wrote:
> Hi Ike,
> Thanks for applying :-)
> On Thursday 01 Mar 2012 08:33:17 Ike Devolder wrote:
>> Currently I'm using Archlinux as my primary operating system for
>> over 6 years and for several years I'm maintaining a small number
>> of packages in AUR[1]. I also keep a repository with arch
>> packages for everyone to use[2] and view the pkgbuilds on
>> github[3]. Originally the repository got created so i could
>> easily install some non-{core,extra,community}-packages on my 
>> different computers.

Hi Ike!

I didn't get you by your name but by your nickname, oh yeah, as Allan
said I had a good memory about you, so this is good ;).

> I had a quick look, and these packages all look pretty good to me.
> It seems that you know your way around.
>> I would like to become a TU for several reasons:
>> - bring in some packages from AUR to community - apper (kde
>> packagekit frontend, the gnome/gtk ones are already in) - lcdproc
>> (drive your lcd displays) - closure-{compiler,linter} (googles
>> javascript toys) - vim-qt (or provide a patch for addition to the
>> extra package)
> It would be nice to see another TU interested in KDE / Qt things
> :-)

Good you have your goals.

>> Last but not least, my sponsor is Stéphane Gaudreault.
> This is a bit picky of me, but technically the sponsor is supposed
> to be a TU and as far as I can tell Stéphane is a dev rather than a
> TU...
> Good luck with the application!
> Pete.

About this, as an ex-TU and ex-DEV I thought for Devs this should be
unnecesary, I mean Trusted Users are Trusted by the community but
first by the Devs (or nobody of TU would have access to our servers).
So if we trust you, and we doesn't oppose against your decitions of
who bring to the TU land, why TUs have to untrust Devs? IMHO TUs
should trust devs by default, and that means, no complains about TU
applications, have more sense to me. But please, I don't want to start
a debate in this thread, I don't was to make noise on the Ike's
application, if somebody want to reply me about it and start a
brainstorming, discussion or whatever please do it other thread.

That said, good luck with your application Ike, you have been an
impressive work and you're a good candidate.

- -- 
Angel Velásquez
angvp @ irc.freenode.net
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