[aur-general] astrolog package errors

Jude DaShiell jdashiel at shellworld.net
Thu Mar 15 18:22:40 EDT 2012

The source file astrolog.dat is not one to delete from the build of the 
astrolog package.  At a minimum it ought to go into /usr/share/astrolog 
since it is a configuration file the installed astrolog package will use 
if it finds it in the right place.  The default for astrolog is to look 
for astrolog.dat in the astrolog directory right under the user's home 
directory.  By default the ephemeris files also go into that astrolog 
directory as well.  I think I can write myself an astrolog setup script 
which would do these things after a successful installation.  The 
ephemeris files are in ephemall.zip and by default astrolog will use them 
if they're found.  It's possible to edit astrolog.h and change some or all 
of these defaults but untouched that's where things go.  For myself, I'd 
store charts in /home/jude/astrolog/charts so that requires at least one 
edit before building when I build it on slackware.  The ultimate value of 
astrolog.dat is that it provides a user with a correct starting template 
to use for configuration.

Jude <jdashiel-at-shellworld-dot-net>

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