[aur-general] Fwd: Re: Linux Manga Downloader

Jesse Juhani Jaara jesse.jaara at gmail.com
Tue May 8 17:30:45 EDT 2012

ti, 2012-05-08 kello 23:14 +0200, Jorge Barroso kirjoitti:
> Ok, I got it!! And it works making sudo pacman -U etc.
> This is the final PKGBUILD:
> # Maintainer: Jorge <jorge.barroso.11 at gmail.com>
> pkgname=linux-manga-downloader
> pkgver=('')
> _rawversion=('')
> pkgrel='5Beta'
pkgrel is kidn of like == the version of the PKGBUILD. You change it
when you change something in the PKGBUILD, like adding some patch or
enabling a new feature on the application. When a new version is
released by the application maker you revert it back to 1.

> md5sums=('a91ccb44877c30e3193292a3ee9cc942')
> source=(http://${pkgname}.googlecode.com/files/${pkgname}_0.2.0.1-5Beta_all.deb)
and put in that _rawversion variable in there. It currently serves no
purpose, givit some or it might do some stupid, like cutting his wrists
Yeah, even shell script variables can use knife!

> I don't know, so so happy of course :D your my heroes :D XD I'm just
> 18 and that was an important achievement. Well, I'll submit it right
> now :D
You still have loads of time to upload your next 100 packages ^_^.

> I've uploaded the package here for to see it if you want->
> https://rapidshare.com/files/3651110504/linux-manga-downloader-
> If you want to try it, see what I did, etc. Any feedback will be well received
Instead of that redybuildt package the makepkg/pacman/arch
or what ever is te correct term package you should upload
the makepkg -S/--source generated source package. That would
be more usefull.

> Thanks you both you guys :D!!
Glad to be help. ^_^ Here have a *cookie* you've done great.

A small note about mails... as Chris alredy mentioned. Your mails work
well in gmail it seems. Atleast my Android phones regular gmail app
puts all of these under same thread, but my dekstop mail client gets
them as individual mails, breaking the thread, while not being seroius.
Something is wrong with our way of replying or gmail settings I think.
Also about quoting. Like Chris said most mail clients can hide the
quoted message without any problems but it stoll nice to just cut
the parts you need and write that few lines of text under them. Like I
do, I think this is the way found to be good commonly (Might be
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