[aur-general] TU Application - Felix Yan - results

郑文辉(Techlive Zheng) techlivezheng at gmail.com
Fri Nov 2 08:36:51 EDT 2012

2012/11/2 Ronald van Haren <ronald at archlinux.org>:
> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 11:41 AM, Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org> wrote:
>> On 11/02/2012 01:20 PM, Ronald van Haren wrote:
>>> On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 8:13 AM, Laurent Carlier <lordheavym at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Le vendredi 2 novembre 2012 09:10:47 Bartłomiej Piotrowski a écrit :
>>>>> The vote for Felix' application is over.
>>>>> Yes:         10
>>>>> No:           4
>>>>> Abstain:      7
>>>>> Total:       21
>>>>> Active TUs:  32
>>>>> Ioni states that conditions are met, so congratulations Felix!
>>> I don't want to stop the addition of Felix as a TU, but the quorum has
>>> not been reached...
>>> SVP( addition_of_TU, 5, 0.66, 7 );
>>> 21/32 = 0.656
>>> I'm not sure why we have balaws if we don't follow them?
>>> Ronald
>> It's fine, for a 0.04% and I don't think we have 32 active TUs, more like 4.
>> --
>> Ionuț
> Of course. As I said I don't want to stop his addition.
> Maybe the sponsor can send out a reminder a few days before the end of
> the voting period if there are not enough votes yet (I know I missed
> some votes earlier because I was busy and though I had some more days
> to vote).
> See it more as a reminder for us all to vote in the future. Next time
> we may only have a 60% of the TUs voted and I don't think it is fair
> for someone not being able to become a TU because not enough TUs
> voted.
> Anyways, congrats Felix!
> Ronald

Congrats, glad to see a Chinese user as a TU.

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