[aur-general] pacman 4.1 (makepkg 4.1) git pkgver autobump problem

William Giokas 1007380 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 14:41:41 EDT 2013

On Wed, Apr 03, 2013 at 10:21:12AM -0700, Tai-Lin Chu wrote:
>  The problem:
> according to archwiki, to autobump pkgver, pkgver should be empty and
> pkgver() is provided.
> However, if we package it, the version number is empty, so AUR wont accept it.
> The Question:
> 1. is it a bug?
> 2. should aur be updated to allow empty pkgver?
> My idea:
> if pkgver=AUTO, then pkgver() must be provided and it will be called.
> otherwise, pkgver must be valid version number.

This would fail miserably though as soon as someone updates their
package without getting a new one from the AUR (which is kind of the
point of a -git package), and no matter what is in the pkgver field, it
will be updated. 

Also, what wiki page (and revision) did you see this about pkgver
needing to be empty? (I just want to correct whatever it is I put in
there that is wrong)

William Giokas | KaiSforza
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