[aur-general] file exist in filesystem

Armin K. krejzi at email.com
Tue Dec 24 13:03:08 EST 2013

On 12/24/2013 06:48 PM, Jeremy Audet wrote:
> https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pkgbuild#license> mesa-git and other
> -git packages built from same source
>> *should* replace packages from [extra] as they provide *everything*
>> packages from [extra] do (*exactly* the same files/directories/etc)
> The licenses installed in `/usr/share/licenses/*` are never referenced by
> applications. They are not application data, and an appication should never
> reference those files. Those licenses are used only by the packaging
> system. To state the same point a little differently, the files in
> `/lib/mesa/*` belong to the mesa _application_, but the files in
> /usr/share/licenses/mesa belong to the mesa _package_. (assuming
> /lib/mesa/* exists -- I don't know about the app) As a result, a -git
> package *should* differ from a non-git package regarding license files.
> I'm not completely off my rocker here. See, for example, the clyde-git
> package. [1] It is the second most popular package in the AUR, by votes,
> and it installs license files in /usr/share/licenses/clyde-git. Also, the
> arch wiki clearly repeats my point: "license file(s) should be included in:
> /usr/share/licenses/pkgname/." [2]
> [1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/cl/clyde-git/PKGBUILD
> [2] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Pkgbuild#license

Oh, for hells sake. As I said, /usr/share/licenses/mesa-git exists, and
license is installed there and I am trying to create
/usr/share/licenses/mesa as a symlink to the mentioned directory because
lib32-mesa* packages share the same files with non lib32-* packages.
D'oh. That still doesn't answer my original question and that wasn't the
question about packaging standards nor creating directories.

Note: My last name is not Krejzi.

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