[aur-general] New PKGBUILD for consideration "ttf-apple"

Kirill Churin reflexing at reflexing.ru
Sat Jan 19 23:27:03 EST 2013

No, it is not. It's illegal to redistribute Apple fonts, just like
Microsoft fonts. I'm the maintainer of the ttf-ms-win8 and did some
research on that. AUR package should not contain download links for such
fonts, take a look how I did it for my package.

This package source links:
http://ompldr.org/vNXFlNA — illegal

On the other way, the approach of
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tt/ttf-mac-fonts/PKGBUILD and
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tt/ttf-mac/PKGBUILD is good. No sources
in AUR.

So one definetely should merge and rework them to provide great Apple fonts
package, but I don't have Mac and cannon do it myself.

On Sun, Jan 20, 2013 at 8:58 AM, Martín Cigorraga <msx at archlinux.us> wrote:

> So one can easily pirate Apple fonts now? Nicely done!
> >
> > --
> > Kirill Churin
> > Jabber: reflexing at reflexing.ru
> >
> If this is a legal download I'm utmost interested in installing and trying
> this package.

Kirill Churin
Jabber: reflexing at reflexing.ru

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