[aur-general] TU Application

Florian Pritz bluewind at xinu.at
Wed Jan 30 16:23:03 EST 2013

On 30.01.2013 21:09, Maxime Gauduin wrote:
> Well, I believe that's all I have to say. Thank you all in advance for
> considering my application. I hope to be able to learn more among all of
> you.

You didn't sign your mail, but you attached your public key in a file
called "signature.asc".

Please either use a mail client that can properly send GPG/MIME signed
mails or sign the text using "gpg -s --armor" and attach that. "gpg
--clearsign" would be better, but I fear gmail might mangle the text so
better go with the armored attachment.

Let's wait for Sven's confirmation before any further discussion.

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