[aur-general] Removal request

Bartłomiej Piotrowski b at bpiotrowski.pl
Tue Jul 2 04:07:28 EDT 2013

On 2013-07-02 09:59, Edoardo Maria Elidoro wrote:
> 2013/7/2 Bartłomiej Piotrowski <b at bpiotrowski.pl>:
>> But will be back sooner or later, so in my opinion it should stay.
> Apparently no, it seems that Opera now provide only a Developement
> Version (Alpha), Opera Next (Beta) and Opera.
> Source: http://my.opera.com/desktopteam/blog/opera-features-and-release-cycle

Merged with opera-next, thank you.

Bartłomiej Piotrowski

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