[aur-general] Merge/Remove Request : libkqueue

Xorg xorgbreaker at gmail.com
Wed Jul 3 06:03:36 EDT 2013

Hi everybody.

There are 3 /libkqueue/...

libkqueue and libkqueue-svn are flagged out-of-date, and don't respect 
Arch Packaging Standards (URL : 
https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Arch_Packaging_Standards) : no 
package() function, BSD license is missing.

Developers don't use svn today (I have downloaded source from svn, we 
can see 2010-09-18  v1.0  r344 the latest date in ChangeLog).

So, only libkqueue0 appears to be good.
I suggest to merge libkqueue and libkqueue-svn into libkqueue0, and then 
rename libkqueue0 into libkqueue, for example.


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