[aur-general] Merge request: broadcom-wl-dkms, wireless-bcm43142-dkms, broadcom-wl6-dkms

Felix Yan felixonmars at gmail.com
Mon Jul 8 00:34:23 EDT 2013

On Sunday, July 07, 2013 22:26:20 Frank Vanderham wrote:
> Just a friendly reminder of this request I made a couple of days ago:
> please let me know if there is info missing or if there is a problem:
> On Fri, Jul 5, 2013 at 11:35 AM, Frank Vanderham <twelve.eighty at gmail.com>wrote:
> > To clean up the naming and confusion around the various DKMS Broadcom
> > drivers out on AUR, please perform the following:
> >
> > * merge the comments, history, etc. from wireless-bcm43142-dkms into
> > broadcom-wl-dkms
> > * merge the comments, history from broadcom-wl6-dkms into broadcom-wl-dkms
> >
> > This means that those three packages should now be just one:
> > broadcom-wl-dkms. The current PKGBUILD of broadcom-wl-dkms is already the
> > latest, so going forward that is the maintained version.

Both merged. Please include links to packages next time, thanks!

Felix Yan
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