[aur-general] About orphaning all packages of inactive users

Phillip Smith lists at fukawi2.nl
Thu Jul 18 21:02:54 EDT 2013

On 19 July 2013 10:28, John D Jones III <unixgeek1972 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I like this... though I think 6 months would be better than 3 on the initial Orphaning. There should for sure be a final "DUDE!!! Fix your crap" Warning email sent to the maintainer, like above, perhaps a 7 day warning?

A daily process to automatically disown abandoned packages would be
great, but it needs to account for the last modified date too:

1. Find packages flagged out of date > 1 month and last modified > 1
month == Send reminder email. (Package out of date, please update).
2. Find packages flagged out of date > 2 month and last modified > 1
month == Send warning email. (Package still out of date, automatic
disown in 1 month).
3. Find packages flagged out of date > 2.75 month and last modified >
1 month == Send warning email. (Last chance!).
4. Find packages flagged out of date > 3 month and last modified > 1
month == Disown, send notification email, add comment so others who
are subscribed to comments is aware it has been disowned (You lost

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