[aur-general] aurtomatic: new python3-aur script

Johannes Löthberg kyrias at archlinux.info
Sat Mar 2 14:49:55 EST 2013

On 03/01/2013 08:20 PM, Xyne wrote:
> Hi,
> Some of you may be interested in the new "aurtomatic" script included 
> in
> python3-aur [1]. You can use it to do the following from the command 
> line:
> * comment
> * vote
> * unvote
> * notify
> * unnotify
> * flag
> * unflag
> The functionality is in the AUR.Aurploader module. There is support 
> there for
> other interactions if anyone wants to add them before I get around to 
> it.
> @TUs
> I expect to eventually get around to adding support for TU actions 
> (internal
> votes, changing account fields, etc.) It's far down on my todo list 
> but feel
> free to express interest if you want to bump it up (or submit code). I 
> would
> probably create a separate front-end for it to avoid user confusion
> (auTUmatic?).
> Regards,
> Xyne
> [1] http://localhost:8000/projects/python3-aur/

I get:

~ % aurtomatic
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "/usr/bin/aurtomatic", line 94, in <module>
   File "/usr/bin/aurtomatic", line 59, in main
     actions = list(unique(args.action))
   File "/usr/bin/aurtomatic", line 41, in unique
     for foo in whatever:
TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable
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