[aur-general] twmn{,-git} merge

Sam Stuewe halosghost at archlinux.info
Sun May 12 19:52:23 EDT 2013

Hello everyone.

I just adopted twmn[1] and twmn-git[2]. But, twmn is actually just a 
-git package that doesn't have the new source syntax (or build/package 
syntax) for pacman/makepkg 4.1.

Twmn-git is fully updated with the correct syntax, and builds and 
functions perfectly. I would greatly appreciate it if you would merge 
the comments and votes from the outdated twmn to the up-to-date 

Thank you TUs! All the best,


1. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/twmn/
2. https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/twmn-git/

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