[aur-general] move/orphan/delete outdated aur package, aur/python-flask-git

Zack Buhman zack at buhman.org
Mon May 27 16:45:55 EDT 2013

aur/python-flask-git [1] has been marked out of date since 2012, and in
addition I've personally emailed said maintainer about the issue, with
no reply.

It seems he created a package designed before extra/python provided
python3 rather than python2. As written, however, he's attempting to
package python2 sources with python3.

I've created a PKGBUILD [2] that I'd like to upload with the same name
(which actually does use the upstream python3 sources).  Might I humbly
ask that the package either be 1) renamed to python2-flask-git to give
said maintainer more time to correct the problems with his package 2)
deleted/orphaned entirely.


[1] https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python-flask-git/
[2] http://ix.io/5OI

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