[aur-general] Taking over package centerim5-git

Joss Wright joss-arch at pseudonymity.net
Tue Sep 10 06:51:12 EDT 2013

On Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 12:10:51PM +0200, Maxime Gauduin wrote:
> I have disowned the package, you may upload yours instead.
> A few tips, the _gitname variable is not needed, you can use ${pkgname
> %-*} instead. Also, the '=$pkgver' in the provides array doesn't seem
> required here. As a general guideline for VCS packages, I always
> include 
> provides=("${pkgname%-*}")
> conflicts=("${pkgname%-*}")
> in the PKGBUILD. Finally, you probably don't need PREFIX=/usr as a make
> argument in the package function, configure should be setting this
> properly (I could be wrong).

Excellent. Thank you for the tips, and I've now submitted an updated
version that seems to be working.

Joss Wright | @JossWright
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