[aur-general] [Removal Request] lightworks

Sam Stuewe halosghost at archlinux.info
Mon Feb 3 17:43:25 EST 2014

On 2014-02-03 16:11, Nowaker wrote:
> Yeah, but Arch Linux TUs seem to prefer "project name" than "package
> name proposed by the upstream". I have recently reported an issue
> stating that it's not possible to find PowerDNS with pacman -Ss
> powerdns. xyproto changed the package name from pdns (that's how the
> tarball is named upstream) to powerdns.
> https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/38231
That's valid. I don't honestly mind. Though the lwks package in the ALUR 
really needs to be updated to fetch the source from upstream (which it 
currently doesn't do).

All the best,
Sam Stuewe (HalosGhost)

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