[aur-general] Delete requests: Old python libs

Evgeniy Alekseev darkarcanis at mail.ru
Sat Jan 25 18:21:04 EST 2014

On Friday 24 January 2014 15:20:48 Jerome Leclanche wrote:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/python23-matplotlib-git/

BTW, its maintainer contacted me. He explained that his package provided the 
library for python2 and python3 at the same time. So it is not a library for 
old version of python.
But anyway, the package had an incorrect name. And I think that packages into 
AUR, such as this one, must not be split packages.
С уважением, Е.Алексеев.
Sincerely yours, E.Alekseev.

e-mail: darkarcanis at mail.ru
ICQ: 407-398-235
Jabber: arcanis at jabber.ru
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