[aur-general] ArchLinux TU Application: Fabio Castelli (Muflone)

Maxime Gauduin alucryd at gmail.com
Thu Jul 31 09:29:09 EDT 2014

On Thu, Jul 31, 2014 at 5:25 AM, Balló György <ballogyor at gmail.com> 
> 2014. 07. 31, csütörtök keltezéssel 01.06-kor Muflone ezt írta:
>>  Hi everyone
>>  My name's Fabio Castelli (aka Muflone) from Italy and I wish to 
>> apply to
>>  become a TU for ArchLinux to maintain some packages in the community
>>  repository. My TU sponsor is György Balló.
>>  I actually work as a software developer in a local private company 
>> and I
>>  use GNU/Linux since the 1998, having started with Slackware 2.0.
>>  Many years have passed through Fedora, Debian, Ubuntu and finally
>>  ArchLinux that actually I use daily at home and at my job place 
>> since a
>>  couple of years. Debian is still often used for software packaging, 
>> to
>>  deploy services in my network and for less experienced colleagues 
>> that
>>  needs some GNU/Linux environment in my job place.
>>  My experience in development is long term, starting in '80s with 
>> C=64
>>  Basic, actually I work daily in Python (under Windows, GNU/Linux and
>>  i5/OS, both desktop, server and web platforms), Delphi and VB (under
>>  Windows), RPG/400 and CL (under i5/OS) and many other things which 
>> I use
>>  less often, like C or J2EE.
>>  My open source contributions are a really long list but let's try 
>> to not
>>  be boring:
>>  - maintainer for over 160 packages in the AUR, most of them updated 
>> often:
>>  https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=Muflone
>>  https://github.com/muflone/pkgbuilds/
>>  - maintainer for some Debian packages:
>>  https://qa.debian.org/developer.php?login=muflone@vbsimple.net
>>  https://alioth.debian.org/projects/python-apps/
>>  - author of various open source softwares:
>>  http://www.muflone.com/english.html
>>  https://github.com/muflone/
>>  https://code.google.com/u/102825094329389897213/
>>  https://www.openhub.net/accounts/Muflone
>>  - written hundreds of articles for an Italian website around VB6
>>  development through the 1998 and 2004: http://www.vbsimple.net/
>>  - written hundreds of articles for an Italian website around Ubuntu
>>  through the 2009 and the 2011: http://ubuntrucchi.wordpress.com/
>>  - support in the Italian Ubuntu forum, I was the second most active
>>  member of the forum through the 2009 and the 2012:
>>  http://forum.ubuntu-it.org/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=73229
>>  - support and founder of LQH (Linux Quality Help), an Italian 
>> GNU/Linux
>>  forum where normal users could ask their questions and only the 
>> experts
>>  group could offer support, resulting in higher quality service, ran 
>> only
>>  from highly experienced users through the 2009 and the 2012:
>> https://web.archive.org/web/*/http://www.linuxqualityhelp.it/supporto
>>  - written tenth of Italian video guides around PyGTK development 
>> through
>>  the 2008 and the 2010: http://pygtk.wordpress.com/
>>  - written a couple of articles around GNOME Shell in the 2011:
>>  http://gnomeshell.wordpress.com/
>>  - could continue but better stopping here.. too boring. I'm sorry!
>>  ArchLinux is actually my favorite GNU/Linux distributions and I 
>> think I
>>  could do a lot of work in enhancing this great distribution.
>>  What I love about ArchLinux is the perfect control it gives to me 
>> and it
>>  needs from me.
>>  Every time I need some software, I package it and then I publish it
>>  under AUR.
>>  I try to apply an old Microsoft rule: "Never ever write the same 
>> thing
>>  twice", so if the software resulted useful to me then it could be 
>> useful
>>  for other users and AUR is a perfect place where to find stuff.
>>  There are a lot of packages that I wish to move in the community
>>  repository: hfsprogs, kompozer, sweethome3d, gmtp, arista,
>>  spyder/spyder3, sbackup, gwakeonlan, gespeaker, remmina-plugin-*,
>>  python-ptrace.
>>  There are also packages maintained from other users that I wish to 
>> see
>>  in community repository: dex2jar, dmg2img, firefox-theme-adwaita and
>>  thunderbird-theme-adwaita, gigolo, gscan2pdf, httrack, linkchecker,
>>  loggedfs, netactview, pacmanlogviewer, parallel-python, pyrenamer.
>>  I read daily the AUR general and AUR requests mailing lists but I 
>> never
>>  participate in the discussions, after many years of discussions in 
>> other
>>  ML and forums I lost the pleasure in writing stuff inside the 
>> communities.
>>  The same applies to IRC, too much time spent in helping others (I 
>> was
>>  also HelpOp in #irchelp) forced me to away even from IRC.
>>  My job coincided with my favorite hobby so, apart my personal 
>> projects
>>  (see GitHub) I love reading heavy books (technical, development,
>>  sysadmin, networking but also theater or classic novels) and 
>> watching
>>  films when the TV is not owned by my gf.
>>  Thank you for reading up to here.
>>  Best regards
>>  Fabio Castelli / Muflone
> I'm confirming my sponsorship. I think that Fabio has great 
> experience,
> and has excellent packages in AUR.
> A discussion period of 5 days has been started now.
> --
> György Balló
> Trusted User


I can only agree with György here. Your packages are neat and have 
enough votes, and you got plenty of experience. I'm sure you'll be a 
great addtion to the team. Not much to ask you apart from the usual: 
are you maybe interested in taking over some of our orphans [1] ?



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