[aur-general] ArchLinux TU Application: Fabio Castelli (Muflone)

Muflone webreg at vbsimple.net
Thu Jul 31 16:33:39 EDT 2014

>> However, the webdesign at vbsimple.net* is crazy and I hope you never
>> get the chance to redesign the archlinux.org webpage**. ;)
> I'm partially interested what that would look like for a good laugh... xD

Ouch! that's unfair!

I admit to be the designer of that crap website but in such old days the
term webdesign was still inexistent.

The website was designed with my bare hands and notepad during the 2001
The whole vbsimple.net website is abandoned since the 2004.

Btw my experience in webdesign is really low (try to see muflone.com),
not so low as vbsimple.net but it's better to avoid :-\

Thank you for reminding me that, really (LOL)


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