[aur-general] Dependency on plugin API version

Christopher Reimer mail at creimer.net
Tue Feb 24 22:46:28 UTC 2015

Hi list,

I'm maintainer of the vdr package in AUR.

All vdr plugin packages depend on vdr-api with a fixed version. As you 
can see right now the version of vdr-api and vdr itself are the same. 
Since version 2.0.0 it's common practice to bump the plugin version to 
e.g. 2.0.1 but keep the plugin API version at 2.0.0.

Which means plugins don't have to be rebuild and therefore no pkgrel 
bump is necessary. AUR Web doesn't detect the dependency between the vdr 
package which provides vdr-api and a plugin which depends on vdr-api.

At a later version, I think it was 2.0.3 the API version was bumped, 
too. So just checking on major and first minor version as it's done with 
the kernel package doesn't work here.

I conclude from this that I did something wrong and I should handle this 
different. But I don't really know how.



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