[aur-general] Looking for someone to adopt this

John D Jones III unixgeek1972 at gmail.com
Mon Apr 25 13:31:28 UTC 2016

So, I've been the maintainer of 
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/tcloo/ for a while now, I don't even 
actually remember how or why I ended up maintaining this... anyways, 
with the release of tcl8.6 it no longer builds properly and I just don't 
have the time to dedicate to it to get it back to a functional state. If 
anyone is interested, feel free to let me know and I'll disown it for 
whomever wants to give this the tender loving care it needs.

John D Jones III
UNIX Zealot; Perl Lover
unixgeek1972 at gmail.com
jnbek1972 at gmail.com
Where Earth and Spirit Unite

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