[aur-general] Split packages

Chi Hsuan Yen yan12125 at gmail.com
Tue Aug 23 14:24:25 UTC 2016

On Tue, Aug 23, 2016 at 10:10 PM, Eli Schwartz via aur-general <
aur-general at archlinux.org> wrote:

> On 08/23/2016 09:11 AM, Chi Hsuan Yen via aur-general wrote:
> > At first I used split packages for python-* packages in my AUR repo.
> > However, since pacman commit e8deba3b87784ca14c9afc908046f36a3ad7578c,
> > [1][2] there's no way to build a subset of split packages. That is,
> people
> > who use Python 3 (or Python 2) only need to install both Python versions
> to
> > build my package. It would be nice if I can use a single PKGBUILD and
> build
> > only a subset of split packages with makepkg.
> That is a confusing statement...
> Before that pacman commit, you still had to install python2 and python3
> makedepends, and run the unified build function.
> The only thing that commit changed is that now you also have to run both
> package_* functions and create the package tarball.
> So if you truly had an issue with requiring all those makedepends, that
> should always have been a problem, and you shouldn't be using this^^ as
> an excuse.
> --
> Eli Schwartz

Well the thread goes to something else since my post...

Python packages are not good examples for this thread. I mention my script
as I find it useful for handling such cases. As Bruno said, using two
separate packages is the choice. My script just reduces the overhead of
maintaining two separate PKGBUILDs.

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