[aur-general] Should TUs tolarate inapropiate behavior in the AUR?

Connor Behan connor.behan at gmail.com
Sun Feb 14 02:53:12 UTC 2016

On 13/02/16 04:12 PM, P. A. López-Valencia wrote:
> El 13/02/2016 a las 3:12 p. m., Connor Behan escribió:
>>> you are asking for public proof? Your sharpness is.... Sheesh!
>> He didn't say that it would be easy for you to establish public proof
>> (that would indeed warrant a "sheesh"). He said that no matter how hard
>> it is to prove harassment, the onus for doing so is on the victim. Which
>> it should be. I'm sure all people in this discussion agree that the
>> bullying you describe is completely unacceptable, but we simply cannot
>> be banning users based on scenarios that are simply one person's word
>> against another's.
> What you say is true Connor and your comment is *very constructive*.  I 
> simply deleted the emails at the time , because I do not like gloating 
> on bad blood therefore I can't provide that evidence anymore; but be 
> assured it built up for at least 6 months before I finally threw the 
> towel in disgust. I had to play whack-a-mole with the guy blocking 
> accounts from where he would send me personal insults and attacks.
> As long as we have your attention. Can you bring the matter in the 
> private lists? There is a real need for some sort of reporting channel 
> that is not a project in Flyspray but more private. And as Ralf Mardorf 
> already said, a CoC is not needed. I frankly believe a CoC would be 
> completely counterproductive.

I asked about this in #archlinux-tu and the one reply so far said it
would be best to start things off with a request to aur-general which
doesn't name names. The first TU to see it could then follow up off-list
and learn the details. If that's uncomfortable for some, maybe just pick
an email from the TU list [1] to contact. Of the "active" TUs, some are
more active than others and a look through the mailing list archives can
help narrow it down.

[1] https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Trusted_Users

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