[aur-general] PKGBUILD review

Victor Dmitriyev mrvvitek at gmail.com
Sat Jan 30 11:15:25 UTC 2016

On 30.01.2016 00:53, Ryan Whited wrote:
> Greetings,
> I've written my first PKGBUILD that I think is acceptable to submit
> and while I tried to make sure I followed the guidelines, I wanted to
> submit it for review here.

Sorry, but this PKGBUILD looks unacceptable to me.

Quotes are from 

> Packages should not contain any of the following directories:
> ...
> /home
You shouldn't install anything in home directories, install it in 
/usr/share/${pkgname} or /opt/${pkgname} instead

> All important messages should be echoed during install using an
> .install file. For example, if a package needs extra setup to work,
> directions should be included.
If you need to copy files to /home/$USER/.godot/templates/ for programs 
to work correctly put message about it in the .install file.

> Do not introduce new variables into PKGBUILD build scripts, unless
> the package cannot be built without doing so, as these could possibly
> conflict with variables used in makepkg itself. If a new variable is
> absolutely required, prefix the variable name with an underscore (_).

You create LICENSE file by copying part of main/main.cpp but you 
probably should just use LICENSE.md included in the archive. Also you 
don't copy it anywhere.

> The license file(s) should be included in /usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/
> e.g. /usr/share/licenses/dibfoo/LICENSE. One good way to do this is
> by using:
> install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"

In conclusion, you made big mistakes in this PKGBUILD. I think you 
should probably rewrite most of it after reading ArchWiki packaging 
guidelines carefully.


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