[aur-general] Copy package from AUR archive

Eli Schwartz eschwartz93 at gmail.com
Fri Sep 30 19:44:49 UTC 2016

On 09/30/2016 03:22 PM, Yassine Imounachen via aur-general wrote:
> OK what I did really mean is how to update it

Let's try that again.

> the rules for submitting a deleted AUR3 package are of course the 
> same rules as for submitting a brand-new package.

The old, AUR3 version will give you a good idea of how it was done in
the past, and you may wish to stick with that, or you may disagree and
wish to do something completely different, or upstream might have
changed something, etc. etc. etc....

But that has absolutely nothing to do with "submitting a deleted AUR3
package", it is the same as when you take over an orphaned package, or
notice your own package isn't building properly anymore.

Eli Schwartz

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