[aur-general] LaTeX compilation error in makepkg

Bennett Piater bennett at piater.name
Thu Feb 9 15:21:49 UTC 2017

I resurrected beamer-theme-metropolis when aurphan showed me that it's
maintainer had orphaned it because I use it quite a lot.

The upstream was recently updated, but I cannot get it to compile from
makepkg -- the latex compiler complains that it cannot write to it's log
I didn't change the PKGBUILD besides updating the version and dependencies.


Everything works if I cd into $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver and execute make
from the shell.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem might be?

GPG fingerprint: 871F 1047 7DB3 DDED 5FC4 47B2 26C7 E577 EF96 7808

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