[aur-general] Help with python-magic-wormhole PKGBUILD

Storm Dragon stormdragon2976 at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 17:38:05 UTC 2018


On Mon, Dec 10, 2018 at 12:21:19PM -0500, AUR General wrote:
>>> Is taholafs not in the AUR? There are no AUR packages which depend on
>>> magic-wormhole, and I cannot find anything when searching for "taholafs".

I guess it would be helpful if I had spelled the package name correctly. :) It is tahoe-lafs-git.

>> I've written up an untested PKGBUILD that expresses what I believe you
>> want. Note how I've fixed up the url and the two package names it
>> provides, and installed the LICENSE file which you *must* install for
>> MIT-licensed software.
>> Also note the addition of the testsuite, and the reliance on a dummy
>> array _deps=() to track the twelve module dependencies, which are super
>> annoying to enter four times over.

Thanks so much for this, I have learned a lot from it. It seems to work, but now I'm having trouble with another package, python2-humanize which, in part, says this:

make: Entering directory '/home/storm/.cache/yay/python2-humanize/src/humanize-0.5.1/docs'
sphinx-build -b html -d _build/doctrees   . _build/html
make: sphinx-build: Command not found
make: *** [Makefile:34: html] Error 127

This does not happen with the python3 version. I have heard that python2 is going to be completely deprecated after january. If that is true, will these packages have to be changed back to py3 only after then?

>Eli Schwartz
>Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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