[aur-general] TU application: Ivy Foster

Andrew Crerar andrew at crerar.io
Sat Jan 27 20:27:25 UTC 2018

On 1/26/18 4:23 PM, Ivy Foster wrote:
> Hi, folks,

> I'm writing to apply to be a TU, and Alad Wenter has kindly agreed to
> be my sponsor.
> > I've been an Arch user for the last 10 years or so. Some of you may
> know me from IRC or the forums, where I use the nick escondida.
> Lately, I've been much less active on IRC, but have contributed a
> handful of patches to pacman. I also maintain [a few buildscripts][1]
> in the AUR.
> Arch has always been a rewarding community to contribute to, and I
> figure that maintaining some packages and generally helping out could
> be a good way to contribute a bit more.
> If accepted to be a TU, my plan of action is as follows:
> 1. Go mad with power^U
> 1. Bring a handful of packages into [community] (see below)
> 2. Help out with rebuilds and package updates where that does not
> 	involve stepping on toes
> 3. Continue to submit occasional patches to Arch projects
> 4. Help with to-do lists. Off the top of my head, taking a quick look
> 	at current to-do lists with actual outstanding items:
> 	https://www.archlinux.org/todo/packages-with-out-of-repositories-dependencies/
> 		I'd be interested both in simply weeding out those
> 		with inappropriate deps and in bringing in deps I'd
> 		consider actually useful, such as tcllib for tcl-remind.
> 	https://www.archlinux.org/todo/source-retirement/
> 	https://www.archlinux.org/todo/codegooglecom-retirement/
> 		I wouldn't mind tracking down lost sources.

> Thanks for your consideration, and I'm of course happy to answer
> questions and address critiques.
> Cheers,
> Ivy "escondida" Foster
> # Packages
> If I'm accepted, there are a handful of packages I already have in
> mind to bring to the repos:
> - [bemenu][2]
> 	Though dmenu is already available, bemenu is a solid
> 	alternative for X, Wayland or terminals.
> - [farbfeld][3]
> 	An oddball but interesting new image format
> - [frotz][4]
> 	I don't know about you guys, but I think that text adventures
> 	are positively xyzzy.
> - [ledger][5]
> 	This program is super useful, and I doubt I'm the only one who
> 	dreads every boost update because this takes so long to build!
> - [muttprint][6]
> 	I don't always print emails, but when I do, I use muttprint.
> - [opendoas][7]
> 	OpenBSD's much simpler alternative to sudo is now available
> 	for Linux.
> - [physlock][8]
> 	A tty screen locker
> - [sndio][9]
> 	OpenBSD's excellent and simple sound system is now available
> 	as a userspace daemon for Linux, and a surprising number of
> 	things can build against it easily.
> 	Note that if I did bring this in, I wouldn't be including my
> 	very basic XDG basedir patch (see AUR scripts). I'm going to
> 	try and submit a better one upstream, and if that fails,
> 	then...oh, well, I guess.
> - [t-prot][10]
> 	It's just a simple script, but as a mutt user, it comes very
> 	much in handy for making many emails more legible.
> - [translate-shell][11]
> 	Very useful for simplifying or scripting translation tasks
> 	(not that you should be counting on google translate to handle
> 	anything longer than a few words, but still)
> - [xurls][12]
> 	Saves you the trouble of parsing strings to find links
> # Links
> [1]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=escondida
> [2]: https://github.com/Cloudef/bemenu
> [3]: https://tools.suckless.org/farbfeld/
> [4]: http://frotz.sourceforge.net/
> [5]: https://www.ledger-cli.org
> [6]: http://muttprint.sourceforge.net/
> [7]: https://github.com/Duncaen/OpenDoas
> [8]: https://github.com/muennich/physlock
> [9]: http://www.sndio.org/
> [10]: http://www.escape.de/~tolot/mutt/
> [11]: https://www.soimort.org/translate-shell/
> [12]: https://github.com/mvdan/xurls

Awesome! Well, best of luck, I think you'll make a great addition :)



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