[aur-general] Basilisk pkgbuild is facing a trademark violation?

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Tue May 22 05:43:21 UTC 2018

On 05/22/2018 12:37 AM, Doug Newgard via aur-general wrote:
> What these jokers don't seem to get is that there is NO packages involved here.
> There is nothing here that violates the license as there is no redistribution
> at all. Moot point, move on and whine somewhere else.

Yes, it's quite weird. Though as I said, if the AUR maintainer can
somehow come to some agreement with them about applying some pretty
basic fixes like a bunch of upstream Mozilla patches, then this whole
issue could just disappear on its own, which would be nice.

This does assume someone is interested in actually discussing things
with the palemoon team which doesn't seem to be a fun prospect at all,
due to lack of reciprocation.

But I'm not fundamentally opposed to leaving this a trademark dispute,
where I expect it to die as -ENOT_IN_VIOLATION.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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