[aur-general] Fwd: FS#60333: namcap exits 0 when errors found (Task closed)

Tom Hale tom at hale.ee
Mon Oct 8 06:43:28 UTC 2018

On 8/10/18 1:35 pm, Doug Newgard via aur-general wrote:
> namcap's output is informational, nothing more. Taking it as gospel or using it
> as any kind of automated checking instead of actually reading the output is not
> sane.

For greater specificity, the informational output can be split into:

* Information (-i)
* Warnings
* Errors

Unless they are badly named, are there any cases in which an error is 
not an error?

And if so, that rule could be excluded with --rules=, again making the 
exit code useful.

Tom Hale

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