[aur-general] Handling coincidental name collisions

Xyne xyne at archlinux.ca
Sat Feb 9 13:49:33 UTC 2019

On 2019-02-09 14:36 +0100
alad via aur-general wrote:

>The "original" lsf looks like a joke/troll package to me, rather than
>"trivial". I'd have deleted it even without community duplicate.

To me it just looks like the package of someone discovering bash programming
with ANSI escape codes and wanting to share. The fact that it's on github with
a README.md and a preview is an argument against it being a joke/troll.

Please explain why you feel differently and why such packages should be removed
from the AUR. What exactly are your criteria for allowing a package to remain?

The discussion is important because we need to have a general consensus on
deletion criteria. Rogue TUs can't be allowed to roam the AUR deleting whatever
they personally don't find useful on a given day.


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