[aur-general] Spring cleaning (moving orphaned packages from [community] to AUR)

Alexander F Rødseth xyproto at archlinux.org
Fri Mar 22 14:02:44 UTC 2019


I'm planning to move the following packages from [community] to AUR,
because they are currently "unneeded orphans" (no current maintainer and no
other package depends on them).

TUs&devs, please adopt, if you are interested:

addinclude - Utility to add include statements to header- and sourcefiles,
for C and C++
agave - Colorscheme designer tool for GNOME
arch-firefox-search - Firefox Arch search engines (AUR, Pkgs, BBS, Wiki,
aspcud - Solver for package dependencies
aspell-it - Italian dictionary for aspell
aspell-ru - Russian dictionary for aspell
auctex - An extensible package for writing and formatting TeX files in Emacs
bless - High-quality, full-featured hex editor
catdvi - A DVI to plain text translator
cdargs - Replacement for 'cd' that includes bookmarks/browsing for faster
cddb-py - CDDB-Server access from Python
cfv - An utility to both test and create checksum files
cherrytree - Hierarchical note taking application featuring rich text and
syntax highlighting
corebird - Native Gtk+ Twitter client for the Linux desktop
cromfs - Compressed read-only filesystem based on FUSE
dangerdeep - Submarine simulator
docky - Full fledged dock application that makes opening common
applications and managing windows easier and quicker
drbd-utils - Userland tools for Distributed Replicated Block Device
driconf - Graphical configuration tool for the Direct Rendering
dtach - emulates the detach feature of screen
emacs-pkgbuild-mode - A major mode for creating packages with emacs
emms - The Emacs Multimedia System
flam3 - Tools to create/display fractal flames: algorithmically generated
images and animations
foxtrotgps - Lightweight and fast mapping application
gdesklets - System for bringing mini programs (desklets) onto your desktop
gmpc - MPD client
gnome-activity-journal - Tool for easily browsing and finding files on your
computer using the Zeitgeist engine
gnome-schedule - Graphical interface to crontab and at for GNOME
gourmet - A simple but powerful recipe-managing application
grumpy - Python to Go transpiler and Python interpreter
gst-validate - Debugging tool for GStreamer
gtypist - universal typing tutor
gweled - A puzzle game similar to Bejeweled (aka Diamond Mine)
hamster-time-tracker - Time tracking application that helps you to keep
track on how much time you have spent during the day on activities you
choose to track
hercules - Software implementation of System/370 and ESA/390
hubicfuse - A fuse filesystem to access HubiC cloud storage
hyphen-pl - Polish hyphenation rules
hyphen-ro - Romanian hyphenation rules
icon-slicer - Utility for generating icon themes and libXcursor cursor
kcheckers - Qt4-based checkers boardgame
keepnote - GTK+ note taking application
labyrinth - Lightweight mind-mapping tool with support for image import and
lat - LDAP administration tool
mahjong - The classical game of Mah Jong (multiplayer)
mate-menu - Advanced menu for MATE Panel, a fork of MintMenu
medit - GTK+ text editor
monica - Monitor calibration tool
mu - Maildir indexer/searcher and Emacs client (mu4e)
muine - A music player written in C Sharp
mythes-nl - Dutch thesaurus
mythes-pl - Polish thesaurus
neverball - 3D game similar to Super Monkey Ball or Marble Madness
openbox-themes - Various themes for the Openbox window manager.
pathological - A puzzle game with the same feel as frozen bubble
pidgin-sipe - Third-party Pidgin plugin for Microsoft Office
planner - Project management application for GNOME
proxytunnel - a program that connects stdin and stdout to a server
somewhere on the network, through a standard HTTPS proxy
python2-ipaddr - An IPv4/IPv6 manipulation library in Python
python-apache-libcloud - A standard Python library that abstracts away
differences among multiple cloud provider APIs
qextserialport - Cross-platform serial port class libary for Qt
smuxi - User-friendly and cross-platform IRC client for sophisticated users
for GNOME/GTK+ (frontend)
tasque - Easy quick task management app written in C Sharp
thermald - The Linux Thermal Daemon program from 01.org
ttf-ibm-plex - IBM Plex Mono, Sans, and Serif
uncrustify - A source code beautifier
vim-molokai - Port of the monokai colorscheme for TextMate
vim-nerdtree - Tree explorer plugin for navigating the filesystem
vmoviedb - Movie collection manager for the Gnome desktop

I'll wait until at least Monday before moving anything.

    Alexander F. Rødseth / xyproto

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