[aur-general] git push failed 8-(

J. Scheurich mufti11 at web.de
Thu Jan 30 09:48:41 UTC 2020

>> But "git push" fails with:
>> $ git push
>> fatal: unable to access 'https://aur.archlinux.org/white_dune.git/': The
>> requested URL returned error: 403

| run *git remote -v* from the folder you have the local copy and post
the output..

$ git remote -v

origin    https://aur.archlinux.org/white_dune.git (fetch)

origin    https://aur.archlinux.org/white_dune.git (push)

| the https link is read-only, you can't push to it.

What is the read/write https-link for white_dune ?


so long


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