[aur-general] Search-URL in PKGBUILD

Frederick Zhang frederick888 at tsundere.moe
Wed Jun 3 12:43:28 UTC 2020

Forgot to put down the URL of customizepkg [1]. Sorry.

[1] https://github.com/ava1ar/customizepkg

On 3/6/20 10:40 pm, Frederick Zhang wrote:
> Is it a common issue for many or somehow cause by your network
> environment? I just tested the URL and was able to download the file
> without any problem.
> If it's just you, personally I'd suggest investigating your network or
> just writing a cURL wrapper to set an http_proxy for such URLs;
> alternatively you can have a look at projects like customizepkg [1] to
> automate the process of updating PKGBUILDs.
> If you believe your network is not at fault, I'd suggest you reach out
> to the Perl people to check e.g. if your IP is blocked by mistake.
> On 3/6/20 10:26 pm, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>> On Wed, 3 Jun 2020 08:11:32 -0400, Eli Schwartz via aur-general wrote:
>>> On 6/3/20 8:06 AM, Ralf Mardorf wrote:
>>>> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/perl-cpanel-json-xs/#comment-749091
>>> What is a "search-URL"?
>> I don't know the correct term.
>> source=('http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/R/RU/RURBAN/Cpanel-JSON-XS-4.19.tar.gz')
>>                 ^^^^^^
>>                 ^^^^^^
>> It seemingly should redirect, but I get a HTTP 403 forbidden. I always
>> need to edit this and other packages with such URLs.
>> source=("https://cpan.metacpan.org/authors/id/R/RU/RURBAN/Cpanel-JSON-XS-${pkgver}.tar.gz")

Best regards,
Frederick Zhang

Email: frederick888 at tsundere.moe
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