[aur-general] TU application: grawlinson

George Rawlinson george at rawlinson.net.nz
Sun Apr 11 03:21:37 UTC 2021

Hello everyone!

My name is George Rawlinson (grawlinson), and I am applying to be a
Trusted User. My sponsors are Morten Linderud (Foxboron) and
Sven-Hendrik Haase (svenstaro). They have evaluated my PKGBUILDs and
quickly come to the conclusion that they are considered a crime against
humanity, but feel free to offer your own opinions. Feedback is always
great! Especially if there's something I've overlooked.

I've been distro hopping too many times to count, but have comfortably
settled on Arch Linux since circa 2015. I have always loved tinkering
with software, and Linux provides one of the best ecosystems for that.
It all started back in 2009 when I started self-hosting my mail
domain(s) on a Debian VPS, which was migrated over to Arch once I became
proficient/comfortable enough. My Arch-specific installations have since
ballooned from that one VPS to an ex-enterprise server at home, running
a large set of LXD containers that provide a variety of services to make
my life somewhat easier.

I maintain my own pacman repository for convenience; it is essentially a
private git repository made up of git submodules (for AUR packages) as
well as forked/new packages. To make maintenance easier I extensively
rely on nvchecker, to keep on top of new releases. aurutils/devtools to
build/test packages in a clean chroot. Additionally, namcap helps me
figure out when I've invoked Cthulhu.


- Maintainer of some AUR packages since 2016[0]
- Hosted a Tier-2 mirror from 2017[1] to 2019[2] on a Hetzner VPS
- Flung some patches at the namcap & infrastructure repos
- Filed bug reports/patches for various upstream projects and on
  the Arch bug tracker
- Member of the Arch Testing Team since sometime last year (2020)

Packages to (hopefully) transfer to community:

- distrobuilder (would be co-maintained with Foxboron)
- promscale & promscale_extension
- prometheus-apcupsd-exporter
- prometheus-snmp-exporter
- prometheus-ipmi-exporter (and its freeipmi dependency, which
  I also co-maintain)

There are some things I'd like to become more involved in:

- Monitoring the bug tracker for issues that I can help with
- Co-maintaining some LX{C,D} and Prometheus/Timescale related packages
- Learning more about the overall tasks that TUs perform so I can decide
  where I can best focus my efforts.

It all comes down to Arch having made such a positive impact in my life,
and I believe it is past due that I start contributing back.

George Rawlinson

[0]: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=M&K=grawlinson
[1]: https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/52852
[2]: https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/arch-mirrors-announce/2019-May/000033.html
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