[aur-general] Customize testing in PKGBUILD

Jan Kohnert nospam001-lists at jan-kohnert.de
Mon Dec 13 23:07:46 UTC 2021


I'm maintaining the eccodes aur package and would like to enable some extra 
tests in PKGBUILD. This can be done by downloading extra testdata and put that 
into the main build dir. As good as this may seem, it significantly blows up the 
build time of the package.

So I thought about somehow let the user decide whether to run those expensive 
extra tests at build. Unfortunately I could not find a recommended way of doing 

Would it be an option to check an environment variable, call it 
ENABLE_EXTRA_TESTS or so, and run those stuff only if set? And otherwise just 
run the usual tests without the extra data?

Any thoughts?


MfG Jan

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