[aur-general] Please disregard my deletion request for linux-slim

Brett Cornwall ainola at archlinux.org
Mon Dec 20 01:50:32 UTC 2021

On 2021-12-20 02:26, kiasoc5--- via aur-general wrote:
>Please ignore my deletion request for linux-slim [1]. I thought the package would be too niche but there are some users of it per the package comments.
>Perhaps now is a good time to clarify what the wiki means by an "extremely specialized" package?
>[1] https://lists.archlinux.org/pipermail/aur-requests/2021-December/063787.html

I feel it's as specific as it needs to be: "extremely specialized" is 
mostly self-explanatory but gives TUs flexibility to judge on a 
per-package basis.

In the case of the linux-slim request, the packager even admits to it 
being specifically for their hardware only:

>It performs really well because it has zero compatibility with anything but my pc,

I think this does fit the definition of "extremely specialized". The 
name "linux-slim" is quite broad a name, too. It has a 0 popularity 
score and only one vote from two years ago.

However, as you mentioned, this package is helping at least one other 
person. And there are far worse packages clogging up the AUR.

I'll close the request. Thanks for bringing it up.
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