[aur-general] How to submit a package to the AUR that is already in the community repo

Christian Rebischke Chris.Rebischke at archlinux.org
Sun Feb 28 18:48:52 UTC 2021

On Sun, Feb 28, 2021 at 06:48:36PM +0100, Barnabás Béres via aur-general wrote:
> Thanks for all your suggestions I will build the package myself from source.

I am one of the `hugo` maintainers. Sorry for the delay and not shipping
the package on time. Next time, it would help a lot if you would just
send us a PKBUILD patch for discussion + a short message that you have
tested the build and it works for you. Such mails help a lot and I
really hope that we could have such functionality in our gitlab one day.

If packages are delayed there are very often reasons for the delay:

* The package wasn't tested properly yet
* The package needs additional work (for example working tests/checks for hugo)
* The package has other issues that prevent updates (Is on a todo list,
  needs to wait for the release of a dependency etc)
* The maintainer just had not time to have a look on it
* ... maybe a few more...

Btw: In the mean time Jaroslav has updated the hugo package ;)

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